Philippe Lacheau shattered by Internet users, his project with Les Inconnus does not pass

Télémagouilles, Turn household, or hunters. So many sketches that made fans of the Unknowns laugh, and still make them hilarious. Despite their “separation”, Didier Bourdon, Pascal Legitimus or even Bernard Campan, still fascinate the French. It is for this reason that a special evening will take place on November 14th. An evening during which fans of the trio will be able to relive their most famous sketches… or almost.

Indeed, it will not be the three comedians who will put on their costumes to play hunters, host a game show, or even make fun of Indochina, but other personalities. In this project carried out by Nicolas Hourès, Didier Bourdon and the others will have “the unpleasant surprise of discovering that no one recognizes them and that their trio never existed”as noted by our colleagues fromAllocinated. In reality, their sketches do exist but will have been played by other personalities such as Nikos Aliagas, Camille Combal, Elodie Fontan, or even Philippe Lacheau to name a few.

Skeptical fans

If the evening promises to be memorable, many Internet users take a dim view of cult jokes interpreted by others. In the crosshairs of the haters? Philippe Lacheau and his acolytes. The host of Lol, who laughs comes out has indeed received a few tackles from fans of the Unknowns when he posed with Elodie Fontan and Medi Sadoun for the sketch of Turn household.

“Les Inconnus will turn over in their graves… I am told in the headset that they are not dead, it’s worse”, “It’s going to be a massacre. It’s sad for Les Inconnus, of which I’m a fan” , “They will destroy our childhood TV memories one by one”, regretted some. It only remains for Philippe Lacheau and the other comedians to prove the most skeptical lie.

See also: Excluded Video: Philippe Lacheau: “I’m making my childhood dream come true”!


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