Philippe Lacheau on his 2-year-old son: “If it happens, he will find my films rotten”

Actor-director Philippe Lacheau is busy promoting his new comedy Despite himself superheroes. A film in which he plays Cédric, an actor who has trouble breaking into the cinema but who ends up landing a role as a superhero…

Now well established in the landscape of French cinema, Philippe Lacheau, 41, is also a father. Indeed, with his partner the actress Elodie Fontan, they welcomed a small Raphael in 2019. This double role of father and director, which he discovered recently, Philippe Lacheau is ready to assume it. “I thought about when I could take her to a premiere! I am also impatient to be able to introduce him to my universe and to see his reactions. If it is, he will find my films rotten. He will be ashamed of his father“, he entrusted to tv star.

Proud of his career, he who saw the film industry as “inaccessible“During his childhood, Philippe Lacheau did not want to hide and hoped that his films would please his son, as he explains for our colleagues from Tele-Leisure : “I was afraid of censoring myself and in fact, no! I can’t wait for him to see my films when he grows up and to be able to tell him ‘daddy did that!’ I want to know if he will be proud and if he finds me funny?

Finally, he paid tribute to his parents who have always supported him and intends to offer the same education to his boy: “I’ve been blessed with support, so whatever my son wants to do, I won’t hold him back, he said before adding: “And, who knows, maybe he’ll change my handwriting and make me talk about paternity?

Very active on a professional level, the actor can count on Elodie Fontan to best appreciate his family life, as he had confided: “Several times, she tells me to cut, in fact, because I tend to think, write, work all the time… I work a lot and she is right to say at one point ‘must cut, must take advantage of’ something else, of life, of all that’.

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