Philippe Lacheau finds himself on TF1, at Arthur, with his ex and his current partner at the same time!

Who said exes can’t get along? Certainly not Philippe Lacheau and Reem Kherici. The two prove, over the years, that we can remain friends even after a breakup, and continue to have a good time even if one of the two has found love again. The duo also proved it this Friday, February 3 in the special bonus of On Friday, everything is allowed on TF1. The actor, on the poster of his film 2 which will be screened in theaters on February 8, 2023, was present on Arthur’s show, with his current companion Élodie Fontan… as well as Reem Kherici. And yet everything seems to be going well within the trio.

Reem Kherici met Philippe Lacheau in the 2000s when she collaborated with him on Fifi’s Band on Fun Radio. It was finally in 2004 that they met for good and became a couple. If we still don’t know on what date their story ended, we know that despite the break-up, goodwill has always reigned. The proof, with the collaboration of Philippe Lacheau and his ex in the latter’s film: D-Dayreleased in 2017. The same year, the 39-year-old actress confided in our colleagues from Closer to explain the nature of her relationship with her ex. Or rather, indicate why she remained friends with him.

Philippe Lacheau still on good terms with Reem Kherici, despite Élodie Fontan

“I start from the principle that, when you have loved a person, that you have memories, that there was no deception, getting angry is violent. So it’s true that I remain very close to Stéphane [Rousseau, le comédien, NDLR], Philippe or other ex. I love them deeply”, she had assured. In 2015, two years before D-Day, Philippe Lacheau nevertheless fell under the spell of Élodie Fontan, with whom he would become little Raphaël’s father in December 2019, and his talents as an actress in the series Clem on TF1. Since that date, the two have never left each other and even share the poster of their films.

The couple indeed play the couples in 2 and this collaboration seems to have given ideas to the director. Especially since Élodie Fontan appears in a wedding dress in the feature film. Near Telestarthe 42-year-old comedian confessed that he would not be against a real marriage with his muse. “Marriage, I’m thinking about it but we’ll see. Everything in its time”he admitted before praising his partner in the film: “I found her magnificent! I was touched and moved. Obviously it spoke to me because our professional life is a little intertwined with our intimate life”.


See also: Excluded Video: Philippe Lacheau: “I’m making my childhood dream come true”!

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