Philippe Katerine dad at 24 years old and in precariousness: “I had to find money”

Successful singer, fulfilled dad with Julie Depardieu … Philippe Katerine’s life has not always been so rosy. Before making the whole world dance with the help of his wacky discography, before even finding love at random from fate on the set of the film I am a no man’s land – by Thierry Jousse -, the artist chained the odd jobs and the galleys of youth, as he told it in the show Moonwalk from Slash.

I worked in a factory, I stuck stickers on windshields, I cut chickens, I was a sports teacher“recalls Philippe Katerine. As for music, which has always lived in him, it first worked on another continent before reaching Europe.”It worked in Japan. There was a Japanese singer who asked me for songs, adds Héléna Noguerra’s ex. There, I received orders, it was 15,000 francs a song. And I had my suitcase in cash. I received the bundle, I couldn’t believe it.“These incomes, as extraordinary as they seemed at the time, were not enough. Especially when the singer became a father, for the first time, in 1993.

VSit was going wrong, we had to hang on

Billy and Alfred, 10 and 9, do have an older sister. Philippe Katerine is also the father of a grown-up girl named Edie – the identity of her mother remains a mystery. A situation which created financial tensions but which gave, to the interpreter of Sexy Cool, the strength to move forward. “When my daughter was born, I lived with my sister, he recalls. So it was going wrong, we had to hang on a bit. I was at the taxi desk at the time. I had to find the money. There are concerts that saved my day. But when you have a mouth to feed, that changes everything. You no longer have a choice, you have to stop the bullshit. It was not easy because it was precarious in my situation.“Fortunately, the wheel turned …

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