Philippe Etchebest’s choux pastry recipe, to FINALLY make it a success!

After the mash, the fries or the pumpkin soup, it’s time for a pastry that seems so simple, but nevertheless requires technique.

Have you never succeeded with choux pastry for your desserts? Failure is now over with the recipe and advice of Philippe Etchebest.

We put on our apron, and we invite friends over for dessert tonight!

The ingredients for 6 parts:

  • 100 g butter
  • 12.5 cl of milk
  • 12.5 cl of milk
  • 4 pinches of salt
  • 150 g flour
  • 4 eggs + 1 yolk


First prepare all the ingredients in front of you, to be able to go faster during the preparation and make your recipe a success!

For the rest, it’s here:

It already smells good full of sugar around here!

Also to do: Discover the recipe full of tips for mashed potatoes by Philippe Etchebest!

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