Philippe Etchebest: His wife Dominique at the origin of a very commented physical change

Philippe Etchebest has several strings to his bow. Renowned starred chef, he is also an experienced drummer who distinguished himself in a rock band and has a very impressive history as a rugby player. But for a little while, it is for something else that he is talking about him. Indeed, Philippe Etchebest stood out, both in an episode of Top chef but also on social networks, because of the new look he has decided to adopt.

The 56-year-old chef now enjoys wear a mustachelike Hercule Poirot“as one Internet user had estimated. Very quickly, his unexpected appearance aroused many reactions, ranging from a few mockeries to nice compliments. Philippe Etchebest had the opportunity to speak about this involuntary buzz during the conference of press ofTop Chef objectiveWednesday, July 20, 2022.”Yes then, the novelty necessarily, it’s the little mustache!“, he dropped with humor when presenting this new and eighth season expected at the start of the school year.

And for him to be surprised at the attention he has received since this physical change: “It’s funny the proportions it can take each time you do something. Whether it’s me or someone famous“. Philippe Etchebest then assured that none of this was calculated.”I do not think about it. I didn’t do this to talk about me“Besides, it’s not even him who is behind this new look but his wife Dominique and mother of their adopted son Oscar-Louis.”It’s just with my wife, we were discussing it. She said : ‘Here, it would be nice if you got your mustache done.’ I answered him : ‘Yes if you want’“, he reported. Neither one nor two, the famous chef went to his barber, who had also considered the mustache for his client. “She told me that she had wanted to offer it to me for a long time. I said : ‘Go ahead, let’s do the mustache!‘”, he said again. But he repeats it: “It’s just for me, not for others!

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