Philippe Chevallier and his wife Tiffany: Very rare outing of the couple, for a great occasion

If there is a couple that we see very rarely in the media, it is the one formed by comedian Philippe Chevallier and his wife Tiffany. The former accomplice of Regis Laspalès however met the one who shares his life in 2006 and married her in 2016. However, the couple prefers to favor calm away from photographers, a rule which they transgressed on Monday … for the good cause !

Indeed, it was as a duo that they attended the evening given in Paris in honor of the association Mécenat Chirurgie Cardiaque. Like every year, this Gala du Coeur has brought together many personalities with the aim of recovering funds to treat heart disease. And Philippe Chevallier did not miss the opportunity to go there, Tiffany on his arm!

In a short, black dress that left her shoulders uncovered, the young woman of Senegalese origin had chosen to plait her long hair to give a more rock’n’roll side to her look. And she was gorgeous! Aged 35, she seemed happy to be with her husband, she who usually refuses to appear with him, as he had entrusted to Jordan Deluxe. The last time we had seen them together was last September, during the preview of a play, during a rare outing.

She doesn’t like to show off. She don’t wanna go to cocktails with me“, he had lamented, sad that their thirty years of difference are a difficult subject in their relationship. This surely explains why we do not see the sublime Tiffany more! During the same interview, Philippe Chevallier had also shown himself without taboo on the subjects of discord between them.

And especially on money, the main concern of their couple. Indeed, the comedian has not really filled the rooms since the end of his duet with Régis Laspalès and his retirement of 3000 euros would not be enough for his wife who “is a bit expensive“, according to the own confidences of the one who had declared that he would vote for Marine Le Pen in the next elections. In any case, a couple that lasts since their marriage, celebrated in 2016, crowned 10 years of love.

During the evening, they were able to rub shoulders with several other celebrities such as Clovis Cornillac, who came as a couple with Lilou Fogli or even PPDA, out when he is now very rare since the many complaints from journalists against him.

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