Philippe Carbonneau back in the staff of the CA Brive pro team

He had done some training with the pros in the last week before the match against Stade Français. Asked at a press conference, coach Jérémy Davidson had not said no to his wider participation in the staff of Brive. It’s now official: Philippe Carbonneau has been appointed as a specialist for the 2022/2023 season.

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The return of “Carbo”

According to the press release from CA Brive, Philippe Carbonneau will be responsible for “providing players with additional individualized training and skills sessions to continue their progress.”

It is a return to the sources of the first team for the 1997 European champion, who had been coach of the three-quarters under the Nicolas Godignon era. He left his post in 2017, then replaced by Jean-Baptiste Péjoine.

The current Espoirs coach nevertheless retains his duties as coach of the youth category, which he will share with Fabien Domingo, another former Brive player.

This is the third news of the week, after the appointment of former coach (2001-2006) Didier Faugeron as sports coordinator.

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