Philippe Candeloro and his exhausting libido for his wife Olivia: “I have an appetite for that…”

Happy birthday Philippe Candeloro! The former athlete, who became a television commentator – he is currently covering the Beijing Winter Olympics – is celebrating his 50th birthday this Thursday, February 17! We imagine that his wife Olivia will give him a nice gift for the occasion. The lovers, married since 1998, are very close. Despite the passage of time, the former skater still has carnal desire for his other half…

Invited, in October 2016, of the program hosted by Amanda Scott on France 2, Philippe Candeloro had in particular been questioned about his relationship and his libido. Cash, as usual, he then replied: “I have an appetite for that, which is not insatiable, but frequent. Besides, that bothers Olivia. After 22 years, she sometimes wonders how it happened… I still have an attraction for her, and it can be on a daily basis.“Words that echoed those made the same year, this time in the pages of the magazine We both. The former Olympic medalist was once again discussing the solidity of his couple…. “I’m not going to draw you a picture, but it already goes through the sex box, you can imagine (…) Believe me, you can count on my imagination so that the seduction is always there, but I will not give you not the details“, he said.

With his wife Olivia Darmon – choreographer of figure skating -, Philippe Candeloro became father three times, of three daughters: Luna (born April 1, 2000), Maya (born June 4, 2002) and Talia (born February 28, 2006 ). “At home, we meet almost every evening for dinner together, it’s important to be able to talk about our days (…) With Olivia, we were lucky to find each other and to be on the same length waves for essential things. We are proud to have created a beautiful little family, close-knit and happy.“, he confided to We both.

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