Philippe Bouvard: What happens to the famous creator of Les Grosses Têtes?

He is a big name in the media world. Philippe Bouvard is indeed at the origin of the creation of Big heads, now led by Laurent Ruquier. Now 92 years old, he leads his little lifestyle away from cameras and TV sets. But what becomes of the French journalist, writer, humorist and animator?

If he withdrew from the audiovisual landscape, Philippe Bouvard has not stopped writing. So, in 2021, he released We will remember!, his account of a year of Covid-19 in which he took care to note down his moods and thoughts. “In fact I had the idea, born of confinement, to take notes every day for 18 months“, he confided to our colleagues from France info in November 2021. Confidences made a month after he himself contracted Covid-19. “I caught the virus in a casino, but, asymptomatic, I escaped the risk of a fatal outcome that the infection poses to the over 90s“, he confessed to the magazine Evening Mag. In parallel with his writings, Philippe Bouvard has taken charge of a column for VOD in 2020.

Iron health for the pensioner who has left Paris to enjoy the sun of the Côte d’Azur. Philippe Bouvard has indeed settled down with his dog, a Yorkshire, in a “penthouse on the eighth floor of a building” very well located on the heights of Cannes. From there, he has an overview of the superb landscape and takes stock of his career. “I feel like I did what I wanted to do, and did it completely, he confided to France info. I can not complain. I have the feeling of having done the jobs for which I had a vocation.”

Remember that his last public appearance dates from November 2020, when he received photographers in his Cannes apartment on the occasion of the release of his book. lumps in the sieve, in which he tells crisp anecdotes about the stars frequented during his life. A few months earlier, in July, he attended the inauguration of the Da Laura restaurant in Mougins. Now, Philippe Bouvard enjoys his free time. Well-deserved rest for those who arrived at Figaro at the age of 17 as a courier and who experienced a meteoric rise!

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