Philippe Bouvard almost blind: the journalist talks about his serious health problems

At 92, Philippe Bouvard recently released his 69th book entitled The Little World of Don Bouvardo. Through its pages, he recounts his impressive career of 86 years of journalism. “With hindsight and reflection, I consider my modest career as a media fairy tale“, he confided during an interview for the magazine Evening Mag.

If he takes stock with this book, Philippe Bouvard continues to prove that he is far from retiring. And this, despite his health problems which are very disabling on a daily basis. Indeed, for years, the writer has presented serious vision problemswhich is “almost zero today“as our colleagues have pointed out.”I add that I hear very badly!“, he then quipped. And to continue by sharing his trick to succeed in doing what he wants: “It’s the age that wants that! I dictated this book, as I have for many of my articles for over 50 years. It has become a reflex which, in my multiple activities, has allowed me to save a lot of time. This quasi-blindness also forces me to memorize my RTL chronicles, before recording them..”

Thus, Philippe Bouvard manages to always work up to five hours a day. “I am constantly over-informed. I listen to all the newspapers, but also the resulting reactions, before delivering mine, to RTL as in the press“, he explained. So slowing down is not in his plans at all. “The problem is that I get terribly bored when I do nothing. I thus announced this book as the last while I already have a next one in the works. It will be called The retreat: branch of hell or antechamber of paradise?. It doesn’t take my time at all, and I sometimes think to myself that I should work more. I am therefore open to all proposals.. If I am offered a new collaboration, I would be very happy and I would probably accept it..” Decidedly, Philippe Bouvard is tireless!

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