Philip Bond | Back to the La Presse investigation

Journalists Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin and Patrick Lagacé shed light on the allegations surrounding comedian Philippe Bond. Back to articles and chronicles.

Posted at 9:35 a.m.

Eight women accuse Philippe Bond of sexual misconduct

Comedian Philippe Bond has publicly claimed that he has always had consensual relationships with women. A survey of The Press demonstrates the opposite.

This is not a People’s Court

“If the comedian had been lynched in the public square at the beginning of the month after the release of his colleague Thomas Levac, who launched that “Philippe Bond is a rapist” in a podcast, yes, we would be in full “popular court” . It was then an explosive statement tossed without evidence in the public space.

The same would have been true if one of the many people who have admitted in recent days to being aware of what Bond is accused of had admitted it on social networks. And this, simply relying on what he had been told right and left.

But the journalistic investigation published Thursday is not just an allegation launched without evidence in the public square. She is far from hearsay, rumors and “I was told that”.

Rather, it is the culmination of meticulous, long-term work that spanned… five years! »

A woman intends to file a complaint against Philippe Bond

One of eight women accusing comedian and comedian Philippe Bond of sexual misconduct in a report by The Press said Thursday that she will file a complaint against him for acts she allegedly suffered in Gatineau in 2007.

willful blindness

“If a long-term journalistic investigation had not ended up revealing the misconduct of Philippe Bond, if his alleged victims, faced with the distressing public denial of the comedian – unable to recognize himself in the mirror held up to him -, hadn’t decided enough was enough, Bond would still be at the helm of a popular Energy network show. »

open your eyes

“The #metoo movement has burst an abscess that we have not finished emptying for five years. André Boisclair, Hockey Canada, Philippe Bond… this week alone, headliners from the political, sports and artistic scene fueled the black series. Even if things have changed, this is proof that there is still a long way to go to break the omerta that prevents victims from speaking. »

Big summer for rape culture

New gang rape scandal at Hockey Canada. Sexual misconduct allegations against comedian Philippe Bond. Conditional discharge for engineer Simon Houle guilty of sexual assault… Overwhelming summer news reminds us that there are no holidays for rape culture.

“Everyone knew it”

“OK, evenko, Energy ‘didn’t know anything’ when a whole community said ‘everyone knew it’. I understand that a ton of rumors is not proof. But allow me to be surprised that companies with a continuous relationship for years with such an individual have never received any information requiring verification. »

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