Philadelphia | Section of highway collapses after fire

(Washington) Une portion de l’autoroute américaine I-95 s’est effondrée dimanche à Philadelphie après un incendie, apparemment sans faire de victimes, a indiqué une porte-parole de cette ville de l’est des États-Unis.

« Ce matin, un important incendie sous la I-95 […] caused the freeway to collapse,” Sarah Peterson said in a forwarded statement.

The fire of a vehicle, at the origin of the disaster according to the city authorities, is now under control and this expressway has been closed by the police in both directions in the immediate vicinity of the accident.

No casualties have been reported so far.

“City and state departments are working to address the impact on area residents and travelers affected by the road closure,” the spokesperson said.

Footage from local TV stations showed a vast cloud of black smoke from the blaze, as well as the four lanes of this section of the freeway dipping steeply towards the lesser road that runs underneath at this exact spot.

The I-95 freeway is a major traffic artery on the east coast of the United States. Its more than 3000 kilometers connect the state of Maine, in the extreme northeast of the country, to Miami, Florida’s largest city, in the southeast.

Philadelphia officials said at a Sunday morning news conference that the highway could be closed for several weeks.

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