pharmacists face a shortage of medicines


Video duration:
1 minute


Some medications are missing, forcing pharmacists to only issue part of the prescriptions submitted to them. If relocation projects have been launched, they will take time to become effective.

Antibiotics, antidiabetics, painkillers… The list of medicines that are missing continues to grow in pharmacies. “Today, one prescription out of two, I cannot deliver it in full. Between memy assistants, my preparers, we spend between two and four hours a day between calls to doctors, calls to suppliers, to have products”, specifies Cyril Colombanipharmacist.

A situation that has arisen since Covid

The shortage situation has been taking hold since the Covid crisis. Relocation projects have been launched, but this will take time. 70% The drugs that are missing are old drugs, whose profitability has decreased over the years. Laboratories prefer to focus on more innovative drugs, with much higher prices.

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