“Pétaouchnok” by Edouard Deluc, an adventure comedy to talk about the present time

The idea for the film was born when Edouard Deluc flies over the Andes Mountains by plane. The original image of Pétaouchnok then arises in his imagination. Then follows that of 2 zigotos in ponchos, impostors on the edges, awkwardly welcoming tourists in search of adventureto cross all together, as joyfully as possible, the Andes cordillera on horseback.

All this activates, reactivates his desire for adventure comedywestern, wide open spaces, nature, collective adventure, majesty of rout and quickly he lays the foundations of the story.

So here we are deep in the Pyrenees where two precarious, friends before the eternal, have the idea of ​​the century to get out of the mess: launch a fantastic ride, through the mountain, for tourists in search of nature, silence, adventure.

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This expedition is also the fantasy of returning to nature, to the wild state. Naturally, instinctively, the characters of “Pétaouchnok” turn to nature to recharge their batteries, to get some fresh air, to try to see things more clearly.

At the casting : Pio Marmaï, Philippe Rebbot, Camille Chamoux, Pablo Pauly, Moussa Mansaly, Olivia Côte, the Count of Bouderbala and Délia Espinat Dief

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