pesticides in faucets



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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According to the latest report from the Health Safety Agency (Anses), the quality of our tap water clearly leaves something to be desired. It would be polluted by a derivative of pesticides banned since 2020.

Should we be wary of tap water? The National Health Security Agency reveals that at least 34% of the water distributed is non-compliant. Drinking water, but with degraded quality. In question, the presence of a derivative of a pesticide, the chlorothalonil. In a town in Oise, an association for the protection of the environment has carried out its analyzes “four times the value of 0.1, the level of water compliance“.

The most exposed agricultural areas

Which regions are concerned? Agricultural areas are the most exposed. THE chlorothalonil was used on beets, but also on vines and cereals. Banned in 2020, it is still present in the water, especially in the Great West. 90% of the population is exposed to it, according to a Loire-Atlantique water authority. To treat water, several methods exist: filtration, activated carbon, chemical process… Solutions that would increase the consumer bill, according to the water authorities.

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