More and more research tells us that synthetic pesticides, created by industry, are accumulating in nature, in the food chain and ultimately in each of us. We must fight against what has become a scourge for humanity.
The only way to get rid of pesticides is to change the paradigm, that is, to accept nature as it is.
In fact, nature knows very well how to do without human intervention. The proof: if we leave a plot of land or a city without intervention, everything starts again with a new impetus, in a way very different from our choices. Indeed, nature itself chooses the plants most likely to flourish, and it knows how to make life evolve if we give it time to acclimatize.
But it is possible for each of us to contribute and support nature, by promoting biodiversity.
Respecting wetlands, reducing the use of pesticides as much as possible and making efforts to counter what causes climate change are the main ways to support this biodiversity.
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