Peru | Over 22,000 seabirds found dead from bird flu

(Lima) Nearly 22,000 seabirds, including a majority of pelicans, have died of avian flu in Peru, authorities announced on Monday.

A previous report from the National Forestry and Wildlife Service (Serfor) reported the death of more than 16,000 seabirds a week ago.

The National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) issued a 180-day health alert two weeks ago after confirming three cases of highly contagious H5N1 avian flu in pelicans.

The first outbreak of avian flu in the Americas was declared in Canada last year. In January, the virus was detected in the United States, which affected poultry production.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has expressed concern over the seasonal migration of birds to Central and South America.

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