Peru | 19,000 hectares of coca crops destroyed since January

(Lima) Peru, the world’s second largest producer of coca leaves after Colombia, has destroyed more than 19,000 hectares of illegal crops of this basic cocaine ingredient since the beginning of the year, it announced on Thursday. .

Posted at 7:28 p.m.

“A total of 19,176 hectares of illegal coca crops for drug production have been cleared to date, representing a 7% increase from this year’s target of 18,000 hectares” , the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

“We prevented the potential production of 179 tons of cocaine hydrochloride,” he said.

The eradicated coca crops were found in the jungle areas of the Ucayali, Huanuco and San Martin regions.

The Peruvian authorities want to prevent these areas from becoming a new Vraem, an acronym for the valley of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro rivers which is home to half of the country’s coca plantations.

Located in the south-east of Peru, this valley suffers from the violence of the last active members of the Maoist guerrillas of the Shining Path.

The eradication of illegal coca leaf cultivation will continue until the end of the year, the ministry said.

According to the National Commission for Development and Drug-Free Life (Devida), the area under coca cultivation in 2021 reached 80,381 hectares, compared to 61,777 hectares a year earlier.

Eighty-10% of the 120,000 tons of coca leaves grown annually in the country are destined for the drug trade and only 12,000 tons are used for traditional consumption.

Traditionally in the Andes, coca leaves are chewed and infused to combat fatigue in particular.

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