Périgueux SPA sends more than a ton of kibble for Ukrainian animals

The Périgueux SPA has collected more than a ton of kibble and other foodstuffs for Ukrainian animals. Because many dogs and cats could not follow their masters who fled the war. And were collected by several associations either in Ukraine or in Poland.

A call for donations to finance the trip

The Salavert carpentry company, in Sanilhac, lends them the 3.5 tonne truck that will transport the cargo. There will be for the animals in addition to food, collars, leashes or even veterinary products. To transport the cargo, the association still needs a few hundred euros. “The estimated expense is 2500 euros including fuel, tolls and one night’s hotel for the three drivers“, explains the president of the SPA Éliane Rigaux.

products for women

The three drivers who will take turns to make the trip will not only transport enough to feed the Ukrainian animals. There will also be clothing and medical products as well as hygiene products for women. Because this operation is carried out in connection with a Parisian association which sends equipment for Ukrainian refugees.

If you wish to participate in the operation, you can make your donations by check or on Paypal. More information on the Périgueux SPA website or on the association’s facebook page.

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