Périgueux high school students celebrate Father Cent, 100 days before the baccalaureate

Don’t panic if you see Pikachu, Joker, unicorns or other characters from the television series Casa de Papel in the streets of Périgueux this Thursday: Father Hundred, a great high school tradition, is back.

Rivalries between high schools

Canceled several times due to the Covid, Father Cent (or Percent) is celebrated every year at the same time. The tradition wants only 100 days from the final baccalaureate exam, the students dress up and party, throwing eggs and flour in their faces. Above all, it is an opportunity to burst, once a year, the rivalries between the different high schools in the city.

This time around, the high school students decided to do it right. After overflows in 2019, establishments decided to tighten the screw. “We received messages on Pronote that if we messed up, we would have hours of glue”, explains a Terminale student. If everyone agrees to say “never again, it has to happen in peace”, however they intend to have fun, and take a breather before the start of the revisions.

High schools were divided in two “covenants”. Bertran de Born, Picasso and Leonardo da Vinci will face Albert Claveille, Jay de Beaufort and Laure Gatet. “Paint, dyes, flour, eggs… It’s going to be war”smiles a student of Bertran de Born. “It doesn’t seem like that, but at Bertran de Born we are excluded from other high schools. I looked at the survey (on Instagram), barely 20% of people are for B2B!”, worries another. To win, you will have to redouble your inventiveness. Some have already planned to use the fountain in front of the school as a base camp.

A few hundred meters further on, B2B’s great rival, Jay de Beaufort, is also getting ready. “We’re going to smoke them”, roars a Terminale at the end of the course. His friends nod, with a great burst of laughter. “Since the dawn of time, it’s Jay de Beaufort against Bertran de Born. And this time we intend to crush them.” In a good-natured atmosphere, of course.

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