He’s no longer a chef, he’s a rockstar! The signing session of Philippe Etchebest had post-concert tunes this Sunday, November 21 at the Périgueux Gourmet Book Festival. His conference in the great hall was not over yet, admirers, sometimes from far away, were waiting in front of the entrance to the theater in Périgueux, the chef’s last book in their arms. A queue that stretched at times from the theater to Place André Maurois a few tens of meters away. In the crowd, Marie-Juliette, who came especially from Clermont-de-Beauregard near Vergt. “We watch him all the time, we love him, so this is the occasion,” she explains. I’m not a professional so he’s not going to yell at me “ she blurted out, with a burst of laughter. Hélène, 80, prefers to give up. “I can’t stand in line that long” she regrets.
– Emmanuel Claverie
AC DC sets the pace
In the hall of the theater, installed behind a table, the chef signs books with a vengeance under the watchful eye of the guards and the municipal police officers who channel the most unruly. All to the rhythm of Back in Black, from AC DC that broadcasts his cell phone. “Quick quick quick” he repeats to those who take a little too long, “there are people waiting”! To this fan who can not unlock his phone to take a selfie, Philippe Etchebest takes on the apron of the juror of the Top Chef show: “It’s going to create a traffic jam, go fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast fast, you have three seconds left and then we raise our hands, he jokes, hammering on the table. Faced with this enthusiasm, the chef explains “not to do tons of shows but I was in Brive a few weeks ago and it was also pretty much the same. And when asked if he likes the exercise, Philippe Etchebest replies with a burst of laughter: “with the music, it’s fine, it’s good, it gives rhythm and like that, I know where I am approximately!”