Perigord singer Louise Drelon

She is only 17 years old, but she already performs like a grown-up. Louise Drelon has been singing since she was very young. “My uncle is a trumpet player at the Bordeaux Opera, my mum plays the clarinet”, says the young girl who chose the voice.

Louise Drelon regularly performs in concert in the Dordogne with a wide repertoire “I really like jazz, cabaret music and songs. I also like to cover Renaud or Daniel Lévi”, she says.

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Spotted at the truffle competition in Périgueux

“The first time I sang was in CM2 for the end-of-year show. I sang the title Dazzled by the night. Everyone said I had a beautiful voice”, recalls Louisa.

Then she started taking singing lessons and participating in many competitions. In 2019, she distinguished herself during the last edition of the truffle in Périgueux.

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First the studies!

At the start of the school year, the young singer begins her last year of high school. Then, she plans to study to become an educator in the judicial protection of young people. “I favor my studies, singing is a plan B”, says the one who is educated in boarding school in Brive. This is where Louise takes singing lessons with her teacher. “We work on vocal technique, and then we start to work on stage expression because I am a bit withdrawn”.

Louise Drelon is in concert this Saturday August 20 at Comberanche-épeluche. It’s from 9 p.m. in the center of the village.

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