Our guests in 100% ASNL this evening : Badre CamaraNancy supporter and Florent Gazeau, also a supporter and manager of the ASNL Database Twitter account. On the menu for this Easter Monday:
PART 1 : Throwback to the fiasco against Niort…
PART 2 : ASNL clumsy in front and too crumbly behind, a chorus that is not new…
PART 3 : The Nancy coach, very unhappy with Saturday’s performance, has shaken up his group a bit with 2 morning training sessions, can this have an impact on the team?
PART 4 : The ASNL on the edge of the abyss and no longer master of its destiny…
PART 5 : Meeting between the supporters and Chien Lee today, obviously the groups present were not very reassured…
PART 6 : Rodez tomorrow and Quevilly on Friday, despite the defeat against Niort, is there still any hope for you?