The head of state spoke to Le Parisien on the plane bringing him back from a summit in Germany on Friday evening.
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“I don’t want it, I won’t take the initiative”. It was by surrounding himself with oratorical precautions that Emmanuel Macron returned in an interview with Parisianpublished Saturday March 16, on the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine. “Perhaps at some point – I don’t want it, I won’t take the initiative – it will be necessary to have
field operations, whatever they may be, to counter Russian forces. The strength of France, is that we can do it.” If Germany has shown reluctance, the head of state assures that France is not isolated in Europe in this regard: “many countries in Europe, and not the least, are totally on our line”he assures, implying Poland or the Baltic countries.
It was also to reassure German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that he went across the Rhine on Friday for a tripartite summit in which Poland also participated. “Initially, I was thinking of going to Ukraine. I explained to President Zelensky that it was more important that I convince Germany and Poland to do more and differently, alongside me. And I will then go to Ukraine .” This trip is planned for the coming weeks.
Already on Thursday, during his interview on TF1 and France 2, he had hammered home his line regarding Russia: “We must (…) say that we are ready to use the means to achieve our objective, which is that Russia does not win”.