Perfume your kitchen and your dishes by cooking thyme

Thyme is known in the kitchen for its unique smell and taste, but also in medicine for its benefits. Originally, it was even the symbol of courage and strength. No wonder it grows in the rock under a blazing sun! In addition to being a resistant and good plant for the body, it is a real asset in the kitchen.

What are the benefits of thyme?

Thyme has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. In medicine, it is therefore used as a mouthwash in the event of gum infection or throat irritation. But it can also be used in herbal tea because it relieves ailments such as colds, flu or angina.

How to store thyme?

Once picked between April and July, fresh thyme can be stored in damp paper and in the refrigerator. It can be kept for a week or more under these conditions. Dried thyme, on the other hand, can be kept for almost a year if kept in an airtight container and placed away from light. It is also possible to keep the thyme flower, edible and very fragrant, it is harvested at the end of spring. It can be preserved in liqueur, jam or infusion.

VIDEO – Learn more about harvesting and gardening thyme

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