Percé: saucers raise more than $126,000 for Opération Enfant Soleil

No less than 130 saucers took to the sea on the coldest morning of winter in the Gaspé on Saturday and raised more than $126,616 for the 11th saucette in Percé for the benefit of Opération Enfant Soleil.

“Our goal was $111,111 and we threw it in for fun. Afterwards, we said to ourselves: is $125,000 achievable? With the return of the public, there were money with hot dogs, coffees and voluntary contributions, we are overwhelmed! launched co-founder Marie-Ève ​​Trudel-Vibert who believes that with the online sums to be accounted for, the total could reach $130,000.

The saucers got wet in water at about 1 degree, but the mercury of -7 degrees and a north wind between 35 and 50 kilometers gave a chill factor of -16 degrees, which gave a bit of a hard time to the brave.

The Gentlemen de Percé team raised the largest sum with $26,394 through various fundraising activities.


The Gentlemen de Percé team raised the largest sum with $26,394 through various fundraising activities.

“It was really less bad than I thought,” said Jeanne Pelletier, a New Gaspé native who was starting out for the first time. “The adrenaline and the gang effect helped a lot. I thought I was losing fingers and toes, but in the end, it’s not that bad,” said the young woman to the amused laughter of her teammates who had more experience.

Two important milestones have been reached this year: $518,346 have been collected since the launch of the activity and with the 130 saucers, no less than 1,033 people got wet for the cause.

For the 12th edition, Marie-Ève ​​Trudel-Vibert suggests that if the $130,000 is reached this year, a target of $150,000 could be set. “I don’t want to say yes, but I think so,” said the co-organizer cautiously.

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