“People in the street, I don’t care”, “Assholes, thugs”, Sébastien Cauet gives his very clear opinion on the demonstrations against the pension reform!

Every day, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., the station NRJ gives carte blanche to Sébastien Cauet and his band of columnists to address all current issues. But always with the humor and good humor that characterizes the host! A trust granted to him by this radio station since 2010.

This Friday March 24, 2023, the former star presenter of TF1 thus approached the arrival in France of King Charles III of England. Or rather, the announcement of the cancellation of this long-planned official trip. And visibly postponed in view of the demonstrations and strikes that have punctuated France in recent weeks, following the promulgation by the government of article 49.3 aimed at passing in force after the Assembly a very unpopular pension reform. Sébastien Cauet thus launches the conversation: “You have seen that the visit of Charles III is postponed…. And at the same time, I don’t know if you saw what was planned, but there was a dinner with the king at the Palace of Versailles. Under the sigh of his acolytes, Cauet continues: “There’s a moment when you have France in the street, who says you have money problems, do you lock yourself in the Palace of Versailles? The last one who did that was Louis XVI, it didn’t end well… (laughs). The last one who said: ‘people in the street I don’t give a fuck, we’re still going to eat’, it didn’t end well.”he lets go first of all on his good man tone which amuses the gallery.

See also: Sylvie Tellier: her rant assumed against the strike

“Me, since the beginning of the week, the story shocks me”

The host continues in stride: “So I think someone went to our president this morning and said, ‘Mr. President, I’m going to reopen a history book for you, and you’ll see, it’s not a good idea!’ At the limit, you receive it (Charles III), you receive it at the Elysée but at the Palace of Versailles…” “Yes, it is the symbol”, responds one of his comrades from the microphone tower. And Cauet concludes: “Me, since the beginning of the week, the story shocks me. Whether we agree with the strikers or not, when there are people in the street it means they have a problem. There are 1,000 thugs, 1,000 assholes and 190,000 people who go there because they are in pain, because they have financial problems…” before drifting on to the count in the demonstrations of the number of people actually present. An intervention that falls under the scope of common sense according to his comrades for the one whose big return to TV is announced! At the beginning of March, we learned of the return to C8 from the cult show The Cauet Method, which enjoyed great audiences on the first channel for five years until 2008, with a bonus celebrating the 20th anniversary of this talk show. An innovative concept at the time in France which, inspired by the American Late, was full of happenings and prestigious guests. At the time, Sébastien Cauet and his friend Cécile de Ménibus had received huge stars such as Céline Dion, Will Smith, Johnny Hallyday, Jennifer Lopez, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Penelope Cruz, Jackie Chan, Lenny Kravitz or Samuel L .Jackson. To hope that these television reunions on C8 are also starred…


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