“People can’t imagine …”: Hélène Ségara, her face changed, victim of terrible mockery

Wednesday October 20, M6 launches the 16th season of its show Amazing talent. Behind the judges’ table, we once again find Hélène Ségara. The star is engaged on this occasion in a promotional marathon, evoking various subjects including his health, a source of concern for his fans. Victim of bodily changes, the 50-year-old singer no longer supports criticism and mockery.

In the pages of the magazine Sat Hebdo cable, Hélène Ségara gave a crossed interview with her comrade of the show, Marianne James. Has a question about attacks on the physical, the interpreter of the tube There are too many people who love you responded with sincerity. “Because of the cortisone, my face had changed so much that I was said to have missed my cosmetic surgery. People do not imagine the complexes that it can give“, she blurted, visibly very touched by the mockery of people, on social networks. As for her accomplice, it is on her overweight that she is often mocked …

Hélène Ségara has been suffering from an autoimmune eye disease since 2013. Guinea pig of an expensive experimental project, the ex-star of the musical Notre Dame of Paris has since revealed to have undergone less than 17 eye operations. Once a victim of sight loss, she finally found a way to improve her vision with an implant that she changes regularly. Having been treated with cortisone in the past, she had inevitably seen her face change.

In the disease, she has always been able to count on the support of her husband Mathieu who never made the slightest remark to her, unlike the general public who never hesitated to comment on her appearances on television. Sometimes hiding her eye on the sets, the singer had been forced to explain herself on several occasions. But it does not fit into everyone’s noggin …

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