Pentecost in Occitan

You say pentacosta in Occitan to talk about Pentecost. O ausissetz brave world, there is no article in Occitan before a name of festa. Yes, no article in Occitan when talking about a party. In the old days / a còp èrasobriety was essential between Pascas and Pentacosta. E alara pel vespralh / to taste it, some people had to settle for a simple crouton: From Pascas to Pentacosta, s’espertina d’una crosta. Aürosament, tot aquò es acabat / Fortunately, all that is over.

Another saying around Pentecost?

With an expression that you can hear in Gascony Toulouse near Rieumes or Isle en Dodon: Entà Pentacosta, que mingem lèit e brosta. In French: for Pentecost, we ”eat” in quotation marks / mingem milk and of brosta. The brosta: what is aquò? the brosta, these are the shoots. Pierced the brosta? Because, in principle, during this time of the year, the milk has more or less the taste of green, herbs and foliage. E alavetz las vacas pòdon pàisser coma cal / in short, the cows find plenty of grazing.

Another question: how do you say cherries in Occitan?

Disètz las cerièras. Las cerieras or sometimes las cherries. We hear this expression in Occitan for Pentecost: per Pentacosta, la fava e la cerièra gosta. Translation: At Pentecost, taste the bean and the cherry. Finally, we can say that the month of May was particularly spoiled for us. The weather must continue to turn fine or the harvest will decline: Pentacosta plovinosa is not abundant / Rainy Pentecost is not advantageous, abundant in harvest.

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