Pentagon reports ‘increasing number’ of unidentified objects in sky for 20 years

Scott Bray, the deputy director of intelligence for the US Navy, however indicated that he had detected nothing “that could suggest a non-terrestrial origin” to these phenomena. But also did not definitively rule out this possibility.

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A “increasing number” unidentified objects have been reported in the sky for 20 years, a Pentagon official said on Tuesday May 17 in front of American elected officials, without going so far as to confirm the presence of extraterrestrial life.

For the first time in more than 50 years, the United States Congress held a public hearing devoted to “unidentified aerial phenomena”. Scott Bray, the deputy director of intelligence for the US Navy, attributed the rise “with considerable effort” of the US Army dedicated to “de-stigmatize the act of reporting sightings” and technological progress. However, he said he detected nothing. “which may suggest a non-terrestrial origin” to these phenomena. But also did not definitively rule out this possibility.

In June 2021, American intelligence had already claimed in a long-awaited report that there was no proof of the existence of extraterrestrials, while acknowledging that dozens of phenomena observed by military pilots could not be explained. Some could be explained by the presence of drones or birds creating confusion in the radar systems of the American military. Others could stem from tests of military equipment or technologies carried out by other powers, such as China or Russia.

“Unidentified aerial phenomena pose a potential threat to national security,” alerted the elected Democrat André Carson, head of the parliamentary committee at the origin of the hearing. “And they should be treated as such.”

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