Pentagon announces up to $300 million more in military aid to Ukraine

The Pentagon will provide up to $300 million more in military aid to Ukraine, the US Department of Defense spokesman said in a statement Friday.

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“The United States has now committed more than $2.3 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since the Biden administration took office, including more than $1.6 billion in military assistance since the invasion. unprovoked and premeditated on the part of Russia,” said John Kirby.

The new aid package includes laser-guided missile systems, Switchblade “kamikaze” drones, as well as light Puma-like drones.

“This decision underscores the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, in support of its heroic campaign to repel Russia’s war,” spokesman John Kirby said. in his press release.

US President Joe Biden discussed Wednesday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky “additional” military capabilities needed to help the Ukrainian military “defend its country”, according to the White House.

The two men had, during a 55-minute call, “discussed how the United States is working day and night to meet Ukraine’s main requests for security assistance,” said a statement from the company. American executive.

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