Pensions, “National Council for Refoundation”, incidents at Stade France … What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s interview with the regional press

Ecology, purchasing power, pensions, war in Ukraine … In an interview with the regional press, the President of the Republic unveiled, Friday, June 3, his “new method” for his second term. Emmanuel Macron notably announced the creation of a “National Council for Refoundation” responsible for working on the major projects of the five-year term. He also said that the pension reform will come into force “from summer 2023”. Here’s what to take away from this interview.

The pension reform in force from “summer 2023”

Emmanuel Macron has specified the calendar for his second five-year term. Pension reform “will come into force from the summer of 2023”. The President of the Republic considers that this project is essential to the financing of our transformations”. During the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron defended a postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 or 65 years. He also wants to increase the minimum amount of pensions to 1,100 euros per month.

As for purchasing power, Emmanuel Macron specified that the executive’s project would be voted on. “from this summer”. A simplification and urgency text for energy projects” will also be adopted. Next, “we will begin the major projects: production, ecology, public services”he added

Emmanuel Macron announces a “National Council for Refoundation”

In this interview, the Head of State also reveals the “new method” he wishes to apply for his second term. He intends to bring together after the legislative elections a “National Council for Refoundation” with the “political, economic, social, associative forces” as well as citizens drawn by lot. This council will work on reforms affecting in particular purchasing power, carbon neutrality, pensions and institutions.

He wants Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and her government “can bring life” this National Council for Refoundation. The President specifies that there will be “a first sequence of several days, then regular appointments” and that the first will relate to purchasing power.

This advice is a nod to the National Resistance Council (CNR) which coordinated the various movements of the French interior Resistance during the Second World War. Emmanuel Macron justifies this reference to the CNR by the fact that “we live in a similar time”. “We are in a historic era which requires a profound change of model and then the war is here”in Ukraine.

On the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin made a “historic mistake”

On the 100th day of the war in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron believed that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin had committed “a historic and fundamental error” by attacking kyiv.

“I think he isolated himself. Locking himself in isolation is one thing, knowing how to get out of it is a difficult path.”

Emmanuel Macron

in an interview with the regional press

Pressed to go to kyiv, when many of his European counterparts have already moved there, Emmanuel Macron replied not to exclude anything. The head of state has not been to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24. However, he traveled to Moscow and then to kyiv on February 7 and 8.

Emmanuel Macron says he is “outraged” by the incidents at the Stade de France

Emmanuel Macron said to himself “unworthy” by “what we saw” at the Stade de France on Saturday in the Champions League final. “I have a thought for the families who have been pushed around, who have not been able to access the places they had paid for. This is why I hope that we can compensate them as soon as possible”he underlined in an interview with the regional press,

Emmanuel repeated having “asked the government to determine the responsibilities and explain them in great detail to our compatriots, the British and the Spaniards”.

The president reaffirms his support for Damien Abad

The Head of State once again gave his confidence to Damien Abad. The new Minister of Solidarity is targeted by accusations of sexual violence. The protection of the presumption of innocence is also important. Damien Abad is entitled to it like any citizen. I hope he can do his job.”said Emmanuel Macron.

A tackle addressed to Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen

On the political level, Emmanuel Macron also tackled his opponents Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen, nine days before the first round of the legislative elections. “I see in the project of Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Madame Le Pen a project of disorder and submission. They explain that we must get out of our alliances, of Europe, and build strategic alliances with Russia. C is submission to Russia”asserted the President of the Republic.

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