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In the National Assembly, the debates are not moving quickly, even if many amendments have been withdrawn by the Nupes. Thursday, February 16, we find Thierry Curtet live from the National Assembly.
The debates on the pension reform must end Friday February 17 at midnight. Is there a chance of arriving at the famous article 7? “There is a desire displayed this morning to go as far as Article 7, or at least to allow the debate to begin”reports Thierry curtetfrom the National Assembly, Thursday, February 16. “But how far does this will go? This is the question we are asking ourselves here this morning, because we are still at article 2″says the journalist.
The battle is going to be tough
The ecologists, the communists, the socialists withdrew their amendments. La France insoumise promises to do the same. “But it has maintained a number of them to allow the debate on the financing of pensions, this is the heart of their program“, adds Thierry curtet. “Even if the discussion on raising the retirement age to 64 reaches the hemicycle, the battle promises to be so tough that there is very little chance that the deputies will vote on this provision.“, declares the journalist.