Pension reform: the meeting between the unions and Elisabeth Borne was not a success


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

B. Gelot, C. Méral, D. Fossard, Ph. Deslandes, S. Melaye, C. Pary, G. Bensoussan, Ph. Goldmann – France 3

France Televisions

The meeting between Elisabeth Borne and the inter-union ended in failure, Wednesday, April 5. The trade union front has come together to call for mobilization on April 6.

The script was written in advance. On Wednesday April 5, the inter-union honored its meeting with the Prime Minister. Barely an hour of meeting, and at the end, no surprise.The message that we pass on to c governmentIs it necessary to land, look at what is happening in the country“, explains Sophie Binet, the general secretary of the CGT.

The dialogue of the deaf continues

The unions denounce the government’s stubbornness to maintain a very unpopular pension reform. They call for a massive mobilization Thursday, April 6. For her part, Elisabeth Borne does not intend to change course.I heard their disagreement on the raising of the age and I was able to repeat to them my conviction and that of my government of the need for this reform”. The dialogue of the deaf therefore continues between the unions and the government, ceach awaiting the decision of the Constitutional Council on April 14.

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