Pension reform, purchasing power, the Abad affair … Philippe Martinez’s 8:30 franceinfo

The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” Wednesday May 25, 2022. He answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Sexual violence: the CGT wants a “presumption of sincerity” for the victims

“We demand the presumption of sincerity, that is to say not to question the word of women”said Philippe Martinez, when he was questioned about the rape charges against Damien Abad, the new Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Disabled People. The presumption of sincerity, “recognized by the UN”, according to him it is “the fact that the words of women who testify are as much taken into account than the word of the alleged aggressor”, he detailed. He also indicated that a case comparable to the Damien Abad case “happened at the CGT”and that the “national leader” implicated was “suspended immediately”. “Sure” Philippe Martinez would withdraw if he was accused of sexual violence, he also assured.

Pensions: the postponement of the legal age, “it’s no”

“Negotiating the postponement of the legal age is a no”said Philippe Martinez, who “is for retirement at 60”. He meets this Wednesday Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labor and Full Employment, who will pilot pension reform. In particular, it plans to push back the legal retirement age. As for the fact of going from a contribution period of 42 to 43 years, the boss of the CGT considers that it“is a camouflaged way of postponing the legal age”, because “It would force someone who started working at 24, with 43 years of contributions, to finish at 67.”

Increase the minimum wage to “2,000 euros”

“It’s necessary raise the minimum wage importantly. We are offering 2,000 euros”, said the secretary general of the CGT. Yes “the salary problem has existed for a long time”, he notices that “There, it becomes dramatic”. In the afternoon, he will meet the new Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.

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