Pension reform, Paris 2024 Olympics … Anne Hidalgo’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Anne Hidalgo, mayor (PS) of Paris was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. franceinfoTuesday, February 7, 2023. Pension reform, Paris 2024 Olympics… She answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Pensions: “Parliament is the receptacle of anger”

“Parliament is the receptacle of anger, indignation, concern, anxiety of the country”, estimates the socialist mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, on franceinfo, the day after the start of the examination in public session of the pension reform, in the National Assembly. In an overheated hemicycle, the deputies said “no” to the motion to reject the New Popular, Economic and Social Union (Nupes) and to the request of the National Rally (RN) for a referendum on this reform.

The former presidential candidate “think” Nevertheless “that it is better to speak politely”. “I am not in the vociferations”she explains, while recalling that she “chairs an assembly”, the Council of Paris, which “well worth the Assembly”. That said, “the subject is not the show which sometimes looks and is pitiful” at the Bourbon Palace.

JO-2024: “No need” for air conditioning in the Olympic village

“They will come, and they will see that they will be very well”responds the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, to the concerns of some athletes about the lack of air conditioning in the Olympic village. “I have a lot of respect for the comfort of athletes, but I think much more about the survival of humanity”she adds on franceinfo, more than a year from the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.

>> Paris 2024: Anne Hidalgo does not “want” Russian athletes “as long as there is war” in Ukraine

Faced with these concerns, the organizing committee for the next Olympics was forced to react. Delegations will have the option of installing more powerful fans or renting air-cooling equipment. “There won’t be any need”assured the former socialist presidential candidate.

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