Pension reform, “National Council for Refoundation”, incidents at the Stade de France … Le 8h30 franceinfo by François-Xavier Bellamy

MEP Les Républicains François-Xavier Bellamy was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on Saturday June 4.

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François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP Les Républicains, was Saturday June 4 the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo. He was responding to Myriam Encaoua and Ersin Leibowitch.

National Council for Refoundation: “Emmanuel Macron is on the verge of inventing the National Assembly”

The “National Refoundation Council” “is just another gimmick”believes the MEP Les Républicains while in an interview granted to several titles of the regional daily pressthe President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron announces the creation of this National Council for Refoundation made up of elected officials, associations and citizens drawn by lot. “Emmanuel Macron has neutralized the National Assembly”further denounces the MEP who develops: “While he is having fun with this Council that everyone is going to talk about, that we are going to comment on ad infinitum, he is asking the future deputies of his majority to sign a charter by which they undertake to support whatever he decides”.

Pension reform: “Our great disappointment is that it is done much too late”

The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron announced that the text “will come into effect from the summer of 2023”. If the MEP recognizes that “our country needs” pension reform, “we have to do it now”, he judges. François-Xavier Bellamy indicated that LR parliamentarians would support this reform: “Obviously, we must support everything that goes in the right direction”.

Incidents at the Stade de France: “This government’s strategy to deal with its failures is a lie”

“This government’s strategy to deal with its failures is a lie”, according to François-Xavier Bellamy, who specifically attacked Gérald Darmanin. He has “lied”he assures, commenting the incidents at the Stade de France on the sidelines of the Champions League final on May 28. “Gérald Darmanin’s spontaneous reaction was precisely to accuse the British supporters and then to maintain his accusation indefinitely, including before the Senate committee which received it”judges the MEP Les Républicains.

Find the full interview with François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP LR, facing Myriam Encaoua and Ersin Leibowitch in the video below.

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