Pension reform, launch of Renaissance, volunteering … Marlène Schiappa’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Marlene Schiappa, Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Sunday September 18, 2022. Pension reform, Renaissance, volunteering … She answers questions from Neila Latrous and Lorrain Sénéchal.

Pension reform: “a necessity” for Bayrou too

“That he expresses himself, it’s completely normal”reacts Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State in charge of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Community Life, after the interview with François Bayrou in The Parisianwhich warns Emmanuel Macron against the risk of a “forced passage” on pension reform.

“François Bayrou has an important place in our majority and in our political history since 2017”recognizes Marlène Schiappa. “I especially observe that in this interview, he says that this reform is a necessity”she says. “We must not all go faster than the music, there are consultations, there are leads, all doors are open”says Marlène Schiappa.

Launch of Renaissance: “a new impetus”

“It’s about marking a new momentum”explains Marlène Schiappa as the En Marche movement becomes Renaissance. “Together we have succeeded” to win the 2017 presidential election outside the traditional parties, recalls the Secretary of State, an early supporter of Emmanuel Macron. “From now on, we have elected officials and grand elected officials. It is a job of political anchoring and redefining our values.”

Social professions: “an alignment on the point of index of civil servants”

“The advantage of social professions is that they carry meaning and that today, the quest for meaning is more and more marked”explains Marlène Schiappa. “But these are also tough, exhausting jobs. This is why we have decided to align the salary increases in the health and social sector with the increase in the index point for civil servants”argues the Secretary of State.

Watch the interview in full:

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