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The pension reform will take place, but will the method applied by the government be a forced passage with 49.3 or the search for a compromise with a bill? The question divides even within the majority.
The President of the Republic, the Head of Government or even the Minister of the Economy repeat it: the pension reform will be done, but many questions remain. Only certainty: you will have to work longer. The hardship of work and long careers will be taken into account. The reform could involve raising the retirement age. Emmanuel Macron had promised it at 64 or 65. The other possibility is to increase the number of contribution quarters.
Regarding the method, it could be a simple amendment in the draft s-lawur Social Security in October. La France insoumise believes that this would be a denial of dialogue, and predicts a strong social mobilization. The second option is a bill entirely dedicated to reform in early 2023. Wednesday September 28, Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth terminal receive majority leaders.