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Emmanuel Macron assured that he wanted to carry out the pension reform project to term. Live from the Élysée, Wednesday, September 28, journalist Thierry Curtet explains that the president has a “last track” to pass this reform.
Emmanuel Macron receives, on the evening of Wednesday September 28, Elizabeth Borne, members of the government as well as the heads of gone to discuss pension reform. The journalist Thierry curtetlive from the Élysée (Paris)explains that the president is still looking for the right method: “Emmanuel Macron is looking for the martingale, the right method to pass his pension reform. He wants to go fast while avoiding blockages, including in his majority.
The journalist then mentions “one last track” to pass this reform: “Pass the increase in the retirement age and the extension of contributions, not in a simple amendment to the social security budget examined at the end of October, but rather in a re-examination of this same budget at the beginning of next year In substance, this does not change much, but in form, it allows the government to have two to three more months to discuss with the social partners.This reduces the impression of a forced passage. “