Video length: 2 min.
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Emmanuel Macron continues his state visit to the Netherlands on Wednesday April 12. Journalist Christelle Méral, live from Amsterdam, looks back on the head of state’s disturbed speech by opponents of pension reform on Tuesday.
Emmanuel Macron continues his state visit to the Netherlands on Wednesday April 12. On Tuesday, a speech by the head of state was disrupted by opponents of pension reform. “However, the President’s trip to the Netherlands promised to be serene: a visit fromEtat for two days on the theme of European sovereignty. But now, wherever he goes, including in a European capital, the head of state seems caught up in the pension reform”says journalist Christelle Méral, live from Amsterdam (Netherlands).
Emmanuel Macron also challenged on the climate
“Tuesday, after the start of his speech, he was challenged by some young people. They shouted to him: ‘When are you going to listen to the millions of people in the street?’. Also referring to 49.3, saying to him: ‘You have bypassed Parliament.’ And then on the climate: ‘The climate convention is not respected.’ Young people who unfurled two banners in English indicating: ‘President of violence and hypocrisy'”specifies Christelle Méral, who indicates that shortly after her speech, “Emmanuel Macron wanted to play down the incident, stating: ‘They were a handful.'”