Pension reform: dissension within the presidential majority on the clock and the method


France 2

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The political weekend was marked by the exit of François Bayrou, Sunday September 18. He warned the Head of State about the method to adopt to pass the pension reform and refuses a forced passage. The adoption of this reform promises to be eventful.

It was to be the weekend of rebirth for the presidential majority. New party and new leader, but the distant cousin of the family, François Bayrou, spoiled the party a little, Sunday, September 18, by talking about retirement. For his flagship back-to-school project, Emmanuel Macron wanted to show the image of a united front, but it looks more complicated than expected. In the majority, there are those who want reform, and fast. “He must have the courage to dive into cold water“, image a deputy of the majority.

To avoid drowning, Emmanuel Macron can count on two buoys: the PLFSS and the 49-3. The social security finance bill could be the framework in which he can quickly slip his reform. The 49-3 allows him to avoid endless debates in the Assembly. “49-3 anyway, we can’t do otherwise”, asserts a minister. Marine Le Pen, who was back to school today, took advantage of it and tackled the head of state, speaking of“unnecessary anti-social provocation“. On the right, we even see an obsession. The battle is already shaping up to be fierce, with the first talks with the social partners on Monday 19 at the Ministry of Labor.

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