Pension reform, “benefits left”, suspicions of fictitious employment … Fabien Roussel’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Fabien Roussel, deputy for the North, national secretary of the French Communist Party, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday 14 September 2022. Pension reform, “allowance left”, suspicions of fictitious employment… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Pension reforms: “Emmanuel Macron will set the country on fire”

“Emmanuel Macron is a President of the Republic who walks around with a jerry can in his hand and a lighter in the other hand”believes Fabien Roussel, referring to the president’s pension reform project. “He’s going to set the country on fire!” According to him, “the only reform that is worth today is the one that guarantees our retirees to have a good pension.”

The deputy from the North ensures that“there is no problem funding retirement”. He denounces the fact that Emmanuel Macron “seeks 9 billion euros on the backs of workers to finance other Social Security benefits”, “like addiction” or for “finance the deficit that we pay on the financial markets”.

“Left of the allocs”: “They defend the right to laziness”

Four days after opposing the “allowance left” and the “labour left”Fabien Roussel persists in denouncing the attacks he has since received from “those who defend the right to laziness” in his own camp. “I fully assume my words. There are those who defend the idea of ​​putting the RSA at 1,000 euros, I defend the idea of ​​a society that guarantees everyone a real job.”

For the former presidential candidate, “unemployment kills”. “Benefits, unemployment and capitalism maintain a system that relies on income substitution that allows pressure on work, working conditions and wages.” He estimates that “ambition” what the left must have for the country is “guaranteeing everyone to find their place in society” speak “work”, “a training” and “salary”. “Of course, before reaching this horizon, we need this social safety net”he admits all the same.

Suspicion of fictitious use: “healthy” to be able to “wash off the torrent of mud that has been spilled”

Fabien Roussel finds “healthy” to be able to “to wash off the torrent of mud that has been dumped in the countryside”. The national secretary of the PCF is suspected of having been paid as an assistant to a deputy between 2009 and 2014, without having actually worked for Parliament.

He was heard at the end of August in free hearing by investigators from the OCLCIFF (Central Office for the Fight against Financial Crimes) as part of an investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) for embezzlement of public funds, said Monday 12 September a judicial source at franceinfo. “I was able to provide evidence and answers to all the questions that were asked of me”adds the communist deputy.

Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of Wednesday September 14, 2022:

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