Video length: 2 min
Search for a Prime Minister: pension reform at the heart of negotiations
Search for a Prime Minister: pension reform at the heart of negotiations
(France 2)
The law pushing back the retirement age to 64 is at the heart of discussions around the next Prime Minister, while Emmanuel Macron strongly wishes to keep it.
The pension reform is the text to be repealed for some, and for others, starting with Emmanuel Macron, it is untouchable. Very unpopular, it was considered necessary by the Macronist camp and had provoked long months of demonstrations. The pension reform is indeed a subject at the heart of the discussions for Matignon between those who want its pure and simple repeal as was the case of Lucie Castets, at the head of the new Popular Front.
The suspension of the text was defended by Bernard Cazeneuve in his interview with the president or the maintenance of the reform pleaded by Xavier Bertrand. For the left, the next government must return to retirement at 64. But above all, a majority of the Macronist camp refuses to hear talk of a step backwards.