Video length: 2 min.
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In France, one in three households owns a dog. But that’s nothing compared to the Brits, who love them all…so much so that they have an ugliest dog contest.
The competition was tight, but Peggy won out and became the ugliest dog in the UK. The animal, the result of a cross between a pug and a Chinese crested dog, won a makeover from dog groomer Sam Burton. “I make her a blueberry mask, it’s very relaxing, and it cleanses the face while reducing stains. I find her very cute, in her own way”she says.
12 million dogs in the UK
Peggy, 4, is touring television sets. His mistress, Holly Middleton, is very proud of her newfound notoriety. “It’s really crazy, we don’t know where to turn”, she says. The British are crazy about their dogs. There are more than 12 million in the country, or 30% more than in France, for the same number of inhabitants. The United Kingdom hosts the largest dog show in the world every year.