Pear sabayon, the king of desserts


A recipe to serve preferably hot but it can also be eaten cold.

WARNING: all ingredients must be at room temperature!

It may happen that the preparation is “divided” (liquid and small grains) it can then be mixed to “resolder” it.

You can serve the sabayon with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or lemon sorbet.

Per person :

1 glass (15 cl) of white wine

1 egg yolk

2 tbsp of sugar

1 pear, peeled and cut into slices about 1/2 cm thick

½ tsp butter

In a bowl that can go in a bain-marie, put the egg yolk and the sugar and mix until you get a frothy preparation. Gradually stir in the wine until you get a smooth paste. Put the salad bowl to cook in a HIGH water bath (the COLD water must be at the same height as the preparation) and put on the heat. Cook, stirring GENTLY constantly, until the mixture thickens. Keep warm on the bain-marie. Meanwhile, heat the butter in a pan and brown the pear slices. Pour the sabayon into a deep plate or a bowl, in the middle place the pear slices and serve hot. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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