PEAR CRUMBLE at the HOLMES live from CUSSAC and its book day.


* Pears cooked in spiced wine and then drained to garnish the crumble, but above all “draining” the pears, by adding sugar, will be used to prepare an excellent mulled wine to serve with the crumble!

Monsieur liked crumble but he didn’t like “crumbled” recipes, so the dough had to be smooth. Usually hot dough is never rolled out with a rolling pin but for Mr Holmes it will! Mr. Holmes liked “peppery” preparations which is why I added a little pepper in the dough!

The proportions and cooking time are given for 1 individual mold; for a family mold (8 people) of 26 cm multiply the proportions by 4 and cook for 1 hour. The fine semolina will absorb the juice of the pears but above all will give the crumble a crunch.

Per person :

1 portion of hot dough (see recipe)

2 beautiful pears, peeled and cut into thin slices, 1 glass of red wine, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon or gingerbread spices, 1 p of pepper, 1 tbsp of fine semolina

In the mold where the crumble will be baked, place the pears, wine and spices, mix, put in the oven without preheating Th 6 (180 °) and cook for 20 min. Drain and squeeze lightly (but above all do not throw out the “drain” *). Prepare the hot dough and add the pepper at the same time as the flour then flour the work surface and spread the dough there. In the bottom of the mold distribute the fine semolina, top distribute the pears. On top, place the dough and make a rim in the bottom of the mold. Bake in a cold oven and cook for 25 min Th 6 (180 °). Leave a few minutes before taking out of the oven, enjoy hot or warm. Nice cuisine to all, Régine

Hot dough

As an indication, for 1 mold of 28cm multiply the proportions by 4 and the cooking time by 3.

Per person :

25 g of butter, 3 tbsp of water, 1 p of salt, 50 g of flour.

Heat the butter, water and salt until the butter melts then – still on the heat – add the flour and mix until it forms a ball that comes off the sides of the pan. Switch off. Using the back of 1 tablespoon, spread the dough in the greased mold and proceed as indicated in the chosen recipe.

source site-35