peace negotiations are possible, says Emmanuel Macron


France 2

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In Germany, journalist Anne Bourse followed President Macron during his 24-hour tour in Moscow, Kiev and finally, on Tuesday evening February 8, in Berlin. What is the outcome of the interviews with the various Heads of State?

“Tonight, there is no concrete sign of a de-escalation. It is rather discussion and tension”, indicates Anne Bourse, live from Berlin (Germany), Tuesday February 8. “There were no concessions from Vladimir Putin on the military ground. Emmanuel Macron explained earlier that you can’t do a miracle in one visit and that, yes, he is worried”continues the journalist.

However, this does not mean that there has not been progress. The French President also entrusted “that he has obtained that there is no deterioration in the situation for the moment”, explains Anne Bourse. Alongside the Ukrainian President, “The Head of State considered it possible to advance the peace negotiations. But it will take a lot of time and that requires dialogue”. And to conclude: “For 24 hours, we have felt that every word is weighed. For Emmanuel Macron, the Ukrainian equation remains very complex.”

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