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206,243 contaminations have been recorded in France over the past 24 hours. Faced with the explosion of positive cases, the French are increasingly worried and have stormed pharmacies and laboratories to be tested, Thursday, December 30.
In France, one in ten inhabitants would be in contact with Covid-19, Thursday, December 30. The outbreak of contaminations leads French patients to be screened. In pharmacies and in front of laboratories, the lines are sometimes endless. “I have a friend who I ate with yesterday who tested positive, I’m a little worried about the fifth wave, so I’d rather come, just to be sure“, testifies a young man, who comes to be tested despite an absence of symptoms.
The previous week, the number of tests carried out reached a record figure of 7 million in France. “For the past few days, we have been bombarded with requests for self-tests, for antigenic tests (…) the days follow one another and are similar“Says a pharmacist from the Forum des Halles (Paris). A laboratory in Val-de-Marne has seen its number of PCR tests triple in one week, with a positivity rate of 50%. Several epidemiologists say it is better preserve PCR tests for symptomatic persons and contact cases.